Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tooth Fairy is coming to town

Finally,2 down,1to go.One of my shaky tooth fell off last night and i wrapped the tooth in some tissue paper.In the morning i found a $10 note instead of a tooth;the tooth fairy came!It all started when i was in the room playing my ds and listening to music at the same time,i pushed the tooth and suddenly,it came off,falling on to my ipod shuffle.I was beaming with joy.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Boring*yawn*3:the worst day

I can't believe the girl in the temple actually followed me everywhere we went.What do i deserve to bear with this?Nothing!I just don't want to be with her,she just won't let me go out of her sight.My friend tricked her into saying that theres a ghost at the back of the hall and she totally believed it for a few minutes and asked some boys who had a torchlight to bring her to the back about 6 times and those boys were so tired of her nagging,i don't think anyone could stand it.I'm going tomorrow too,i think i'm starting to love it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Boring*yawn*2:the next day

As usual,the same as my other post Boring*yawn*,it happened the exact same thing but worst like i told you.My so-called friend came and I'm so glad he turned over a new leaf because he would chase me around because he likes me.Now i won't have to hide from him anymore.If he comes,he will play his iphone while i play my ds or read Archie. He really became quiet now that he has his own things to do.We explored the entire level to gether and realised that they only rented half of the hallway.


I can't believe i let my mom drag me all the way to Clementi just for an afternoon course from 3-8pm. No breaks,just dinner of yellow sticky rice and chocolate chip cookies for tea and snacks.I brought along my own no matter how hard i tried,it won't open maybe because of my nails which i kept on biting.All i do there is listen, play both of my ds(lite and 3D),eat rest,play sudoku,read Archie and that's all i do. I also had to give up my seat to a cat!Weired,right?It freaked me out so much that i got up and gave my place to the cat and once the monk started talking, it scampered all the way to the dark at lightning speed.When i came back,it was quite late so iwas afraid then i started writing this now.I'm going there tomorrow there again so this would be complete repeat but worst!I will write this again after coming back from there again.Today is also the last day of school but i'm going to miss it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


My new Ds is so cool.The graphics in 3D makes it even intriguing.It may be better than lite but lite is easier to use as Nintendo 3Ds is quite complicated but the camera from both sides(front and back) is really cool and i love how many applications they added for you like face raiders,Mii plaza and more.They already included the manual inside the console unlike my old one.Sorry i posted this late,i was thinking of posting it yesterday with my iPhone but i failed as the lack of internet connection stopped my typing.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I can't believe it, in the next few hours i will be getting the thing of my dreams.My new Nintendo 3DS!!!!It is something i have dreamed of ever since it came on sale and i tried every trick in the book to persuade him to give it to me and he will give it to me if i reached the top 10 in my school and class and sign the contract as a promise. Finally...No more studying and just relaxing.YAY:)


I am so excited for tomorrow. I can't believe it. I scored all Band 1 for every sugject i was tested on,even music! So, just like my dad signed the contract, he promised to buy me a new nintendo 3DS +the nintendo dogs +cats catridge.Everything is turning to the way as planned.:)